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1964 Batting Leaders 1964 Batting Leaders

Roberto Clemente and Tony Oliva pace the major leagues in batting average in 1964


1964 Batting Leaders 1964 Batting Average Leaders
Roberto Clemente, Pittsburgh Pirates Right Fielder, led the majors with a .339 batting average

Batting Average Leaders 1964

National League:

Roberto Clemente, Pirates .339... Rico Carty, Milwaukee Braves .330... Hank Aaron, Braves .328... Joe Torre, Braves .321

Dick Allen, Phillies .318... Lou Brook ,St Louis Cardinals .315... Ron Santo, Chicago Cubs .313... Billy Williams, Cubs .312... Curt Flood, Cardinals .311... Frank Robinson, Cincinnati Red Stockings .306

Orlando Cepeda, SF Giants .304... Lee Maye, Braves .304... Ron Hunt, New York Mets .303... Bill White, Cardinals .303... Joe Christopher, NY Mets .300... Willie Mays, SF Giants .296... Ken Boyer, Cardinals .295... Willie Davis LA Dodgers .294

American League:

Tony Oliva, Minnesota Twins .323... Brooks Robinson, Baltimore Orioles .317... Elston Howard, New York Yankees .313... Mickey Mantle, NY Yankees .303

Floyd Robinson, Chicago White Sox .301... Bill Freehan, Detroit Tigers .300... Ed Bressoud, Boston Red Sox .293... Al Kaline, Tigers .293... Boog Powell, Orioles .290... Carl Yastrzemski,  Red Sox .289



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1964 Strike Out by Batters 1964 Strike Out by Batters



Nelson Mathews, Kansas City Athletics 143... Rich Dick Allen, Phillies 138... Don Lock, Wash Senators 137... Harmon Killebrew, Minnesota Twins 135

Dick Stuart, Red Sox 130... Billy Cowan, Cubs 128... Lou Brock, Cardinals 127... Dave Nicholson, White Sox 126... Jim Gentile, KC As 122... Leon Wagner, Indians 121... John Kennedy, Senators 119

Frank Howard, LA Dodgers 113... Jimmie Hall, Twins 112... Tom Tresh, NY Yankees 110... Leo Cardenas, Cinc Reds 110... Bobby Knoop, LA Angels 109... Jackie Brandt, Baltimore Orioles 104

Bill White, Cardinals 103... Mickey Mantle, Yankees 102... Charley Smith, NY Mets 101... Bob Chance, Indians 101... Eddie Mathews, Milwaukee Braves 100... Ed Brinkman, Senators 99... Bob Allison, Twins 99... Sam Bowens, Orioles 99... Eddie Bressound, Red Sox 99 Vada Pinson, Cincinnati Reds 99

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