A star outfielder, Reggie Smith ranks as one of the top switch-hitters in baseball history, and was the first switch-hitter to hit 100 or more home runs in both leagues. An all-around player, he won a Gold Glove in 1968 with the Boston Red Sox when he led the league in putouts. In 1970 he tied for the league led in assists. From 1969 through 1975, Reggie Smith hit .309, .303, .283, .270, .303, .309 and .302 and averaged 32 doubles and 23 Hrs. In '68 he led the AL with 37 Ds and again led the AL in 1971 with 33 Ds. He was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals in October 1973 and responded by driving in 100 runs the next year. And on May 22, 1976 he powered 3 homers in one game. But in June he was traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers. He was one of the club's top runs' producers and helped them win three pennants. He finished his fine career with Japan's Yomiuri Giants. Reggie Smith's career numbers: .287 BA, 2020 hits, 363 Ds, 57 Ts, 314 Hrs, 1123 Runs, 1092 RBIs, 890 Ws, 1030 Ks, .370 on-base-pct, .489 slg/pct. baseballhistorian.com |